Blood In My Eye

Just finished a first aid shift working at a club and toward the end of the night a guy came out who’d been headbutted. Blood loss wasn’t huge, but he was disorientated – treated him and he was fine, sent him to hospital for stitches. When he first came to me though he was very distressed and kept ruffling his hair…it had the effect of a dog shaking itself after a bath… And I got blood in my eyes and mouth. I don’t know if I should be worried, I sent my employer a text asking what to do, and, it being the middle of the night, he hasn’t yet replied. I don’t feel particularly worried, but I feel I perhaps should. Any advice welcome. No-hoper

Term properly underway, now it get serious

I’m sitting in the first aid room six hours into a ten hour shift, nice and quiet thus far…one wasp sting…exciting stuff.

I’ve had my first few weeks of lectures – not missed one yet! Pretty interesting stuff, and I’m doing okay academically, but I need to stick to The Plan bit better.  May as well go ahead and say I’m studying philosophy…there are a good few thousand philosophy students in this country! Philosophy of language is veerrryyy hard to get your head round; Frege’s puzzle and the metalinguistic solution anybody? First coursework is due in 15 days, and it’s on Frege.

In other news, I had that meeting with the Neuroscience MSc coordinator. I think it was generally positive, but he wasn’t too thrilled with my results last year…I’m hoping that I’ll receive an offer conditional on a 2:1 which is very doable. When I asked him what I’d need to get in, he said a 2:1 and two good references, and I think I can do that. My big problem at the moment is my personal statement, I’m first drafting it at the moment and the content has to be so concentrated and drivel-free that it’s tricky to fill it up. Advice is welcome 😉

Choir is going pretty well, if you listen out next year, you may hear us on Radio 4…AND my money for directing it should arrive at some point!

I have my SJA advanced course next month! Which if I pass will qualify me to use Entonox (nos/nitrous oxide/laughing gas) and oxygen and that could be hilariously fun.  On the subject of SJA training…I’ll be leading training for 60 freshers in CPR this week which is a little bit terrifying.

Also considering applying for an HCA post one day a week…it’s a lot of effort, but if I get it there’s bank work


Fun fact for the day #3 For severely overweight patients, apparently, hospital have to use scanners from the zoo